Riccardo's useless Marathon blog

Pains and gains of my training.

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Dear fans,


It’s me again, sorry it took forever.

My dog, telling me that it's okay and calling me bro.

My dog, telling me that it’s okay and calling me bro.

After spending the last 7 months in bed trying to recover from this epic thing, this majestic venture, this legen – wait for it – dary act of force, this unique and unrepeatable feat that I accomplished on May 27th 2012 – a day that humanity will never forget and that in most country is now known as Riccardo the Marathon Runner’s Day – I finally found some strength and managed to reach my desk, switch on my laptop, check my favourite websites – if you know what I mean… – did some business and at last updated this magnificent blog without parallel.

As I already said: I am sorry. This seven months had been really tough for me: ever since Riccardo the Marathon Runner’s Day’s night my sleeps had been haunted by unuterrable nightmares and my days had been a continuous and exhausting succession of inexpressible pain. Over the past 184 days I have been through what the experts call the Marathon Blues – or Postmarathon Depression (PMD) and its symptoms consumed my mind and my body, made myself the bad copy of the extraordinay athlete I was, turned me into a wretch and culminated with your favourite person in the world – me – finding himself sleeprunning at night.

Yes, that’s right. I now sleeprun and I hate it and it’s not funny. My fan’s dog’s impression of me sleeprunning that you’ve just seen is funny but me sleeprunning it’s not funny.

But that was the past.

Today it’s 2013 and if it wasn’t for this massive hungover I would feel great. If the room wasn’t spinning and my mouth didn’t taste like a dead rat and my whole body wasn’t aching and my head wasn’t hosting a drilling and drumming jam session I would feel great.
But hey, there’s not much I can do about it now and in the end last night was amazing. You see last night the Edinburgh Council decided to celebrate me and my glorious accomplishment – that made everyone’s 2012 the best year of their lives – instead of Hogmanay and 75 thousand people gathered on Princes Street to honour me and there were bands playing awesome music and bottles of champagne were popping everywhere making everybody all wet and there were fireworks above the Edinburgh Castle and everyone was happy and drunk and then sick.

The fireworks above the Edinbrugh Castle to celebrate my magnificent endeavour

The fireworks above the Edinbrugh Castle to celebrate my magnificent endeavour

I was also very happy and drunk and then sick.

Also, apparently they’re thinking about putting up a statue of me in my marathon outfit in the heart of Holyrood Park but it’s not a sure thing yet. I’ll let yous know anyway.

So 2013 has started and I hope that you – my dear fans – will all have an amazing one and I hope your dreams will come true – unfortunately I won’t be able to meet you all you know but that doesn’t mean that your 2013 won’t be a great year nevertheless – and that you’ll get the chance to spend quality time with the people you love doing the things you love. Maybe get a room though.

As for me, my new year resolution for 2013 is NOT to run any marathon but to upload all the pictures of me running the Edinburgh Marathon 2012 ASAP instead and keep you posted with news and fun shit about me and my new role as a Marathon Trainer.

You, right now

You, right now

Yep. Since I am this awesome – FYI I am spreading my arms very very very wide the now – and I always do awesome things in an awesome way now loads of people – two – are gonna be running a marathon this year. My great pals Ale from Milan and Craig from Edinburgh will be running respectively the Madrid and the London Marathon and I will try my hardest to help them training, sharing with them all my knowledge about marathons and giving them all sort of tips in order to smash an amazing time but most of all not to die.

Posts will follow, maybe. So stay tuned.

Goodbye for now my friends and once again, happy new year.

bye bye

Bye bye